Judge: Mr Alistair Morton
Breed Champion: Mr J Larder
Reserve Breed Champion: Mr D Lewis
Joe Larder with the Champion and Best Ram Lamb, Byeways Fergie, F1529
David Lewis with the Reserve Champion and Best Ewe Lamb, Pembroke Frisky, F62
Joe Larder’s Best Shearling Ewe, and highest price female, Byeways E1362, selling to £630, with purchaser Josh Sparks
Les French with the Best Shearling Ram, and highest price ram, Wilsey Esteem, E2211, selling to £1365
Ewe, Shearling or over: 1. Mr J Larder 2. W L French 3. Mr J Larder 4. Mr D Lewis 5. W L French
Ewe Lamb: 1. Mr D Lewis 2. Mr J Larder 3. Mr R Harvey 4. Mr J Larder 5. Mr J Durrant
Ram, Shearling or over: 1. W L French 2. W L French 3. S & R Downes 4. Mr S Alderson 5. S & R Downes
Ram Lamb: 1. Mr J Larder 2. Mr D Lewis 3. Mr S Driver 4. Mr J Durrant 5. Mr J Larder